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Superintendent's Update - January 2021

EVIT Superintendent Update

In-person and resilient
EVIT remains committed to providing our students with in-person on-campus learning, just as we have since Aug. 17. So far, about 5 percent of EVIT's student/staff population has had confirmed cases of COVID-19. While this will likely increase before vaccines can be administered and take effect, we know that our students need to be on-campus with their teachers and using the tools, equipment and lab experiences they need to successfully prepare for industry certifications and employment. EVIT is determined to remain resilient during these challenging times. Read Dr. Wilson's column on the subject:

'Smile' and help EVIT students
Do you shop a lot on Amazon? If so, consider helping EVIT students through the Amazon Smile program. Go to and if you already have an Amazon account, sign in. You will be prompted to select a charity. Type in EVIT Education Foundation and select "East Valley Institute of Technology Education Foundation" as your charitable organization before shopping. Confirm your selection and shop. Every eligible purchase will result in a donation to the EVIT foundation at no extra cost to you. The foundation is a charitable 501(c)3 nonprofit that provides financial assistance to EVIT students who need help paying program fees or adult tuition.

Governing board
This week, member LaMar Watkins was elected president of the EVIT Governing Board and member Shelli Boggs was re-elected board clerk. In December, four members were sworn in to serve on the board: David Lane, who was re-elected; Mr. Watkins, who was elected after being appointed to finish the term of his wife, Dolores; and two new board members -- William Hobson and Josh Hart. Agendas for EVIT governing board meetings can be found on the EVIT website,

Virtual Expo
Normally, the EVIT Main Campus hosts our huge annual open house event, EVIT Expo, at the end of January. Due to COVID-19, we are changing this event to be virtual only and moving it to the end of March. The virtual Expo will have virtual tours of campuses and programs, livestreamed Q&A sessions with teachers and much more. Stay tuned for more details!

Beka's story
EVIT students often say they would like to run their own business someday. That dream became a reality for Beka Hussong, an alum of EVIT's Aesthetics program, who now operates her own California salon and has created a skin care line that is being sold all over the United States and internationally. Read Beka's story:

2021-22 enrollment
Enrollment is under way for the 2021-22 school year. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, our recruiters have not been able to give as many in-person presentations as they usually do, but our high school counselors and district CTE directors have been great about helping us coordinate virtual presentations and Q&A nights with students and parents. Thank you!